My Photo Creations - Customizing Your Book

Adjusting Text

*Some of the information below is out of date, please refer to the New Features section to see the changes.

1. Alignment

2. Center

3. Layering

4. Rotation

5. Drop Shadow

6. Font Type

7. Font Size

8. Font Style

9. Align Text

10. Font Color

11. New Text Features

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1. Alignment - Aligns the text box in the back to the text box in the front


Align Left - Back text box is aligned to the Left side of the front text box.

Align Right - Back text box is aligned to the Right side of the front text box.

Align Horizontal Center - Back text box is aligned to the Horizontal Center of the front text box.

Align Top - Back text box is aligned to the Top of the front text box.

Align Bottom - Back text box is aligned to the Bottom side of the front text box.

Align Vertical Center - Back text box is aligned to the Vertical Center of the front text box.

2. Center - Centers text box


Center on Page

Centers text box vertically and horizontally to the page.

Center Horizontally on Page

Centers text box horizontally to the page.

Center Vertically on Page

Centers text box vertically to the page.

3. Layering - Changes text box layering


Bring Forward

Moves text box forward by one layer.

Bring to Front

Moves text box to the top layer.

Bring Backward

Moves text box backward by one layer.

Bring to Back

Moves text box to the bottom layer.

4. Rotation - Rotates text box


Rotate Clockwise

Rotates text box clockwise by 90 degrees.

Rotate Counterclockwise

Rotates text box counterclockwise by 90 degrees.

Cancel Rotation

Cancels text box rotation.

5. Drop Shadow - Not available for text

6. Font Type - Allows you to pick the font type (only one type can be selected per text box)

7. Font Size - Allows you to pick the font size (only one size can be selected per text box)

8. Font Styles -  Allows you to change the style of your font (adjusts all text in the text box)



Sample Text


Sample Text

9. Align Text - Aligns the text within the text box (adjusts all text in the text box)


Align Left

Aligns the text to the left side of the text box.

Align Center

Aligns the text to the center side of the text box.

Align Right

Aligns the text to the right side of the text box.

10. Font Color -  Allows you to pick the font color (only one color can be selected per text box)