UBuildABook Support Request

Requesting Photobook Support


Stage 1: Fill out the Photobook Support Request Form and email it to support@ubuildabook. After we review your support request we will either email you a solution or move on to Stage 2 support.


Stage 2: If we are unable to determine a solution based on the information we may ask for your Log Files or other additional information.


Stage 3: Some issues may require us to remotely access your computer to see the problem first hand in which case we will ask you to download UBuildABook Support Installer. Once the UBuildABook Support Installer is downloaded and installed we will remote control your PC to recreate the error you encountered.


Please Note: A Photobook Support Request does not cover instructions on how to use our software. If you would like over the phone support on how to use our software we offer Premium Technical Support for $75 per hour (1 hour minimum).